Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ophel and Immer , conjoined ?

Was thinking why the hell not .
Conjoined and frighteningly gorgeous when birdie , that's twins for you.
Inseparable when fleshed , always holding each other by the pinkie or hand , linking ankles or leaning on each other .


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Immer, Andrzej and musical crushes? Sounds like a party to me.

Was sitting and listening to Korns "somebody someone " and it just felt like something , Immer or Andrzej , maybe even Zaccur would like .

More so Andrzej and Immer , maybe Immer likes Andrzej?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ophel and Immer

The twins, Ophel and Immer have been known for their pranks on people .
They have the tendency to be the cause of the amount of people never returning home when they explore the green .

Terrible , inseparable , birds of a feather .

Ant dance, art of myrmecomany

They can dance if they want to.
Tilt their neb up to the sky, 'Cause if  they dont look and  when they dont look
then they'll get ants in their eye
Well they can tumble with friends
Ants bite, Get you high, in a place were you won't find.

 Well from what I've read, Our feathered friends get high through,  Ant bites ((which is basically a dance they do for thirty minutes aka myrmecomany)).:

The birds would sit on an ants nest, wings open and stretched forward.
Tail curbed inward towards its front as its being invaded by angry ants.
It even picks them up and pushed it into its plumage, sometimes squishing
them into their body. Once covered by the ants , it dances with its head raised,
 feathers extended and saliva coating its bill ((lasting thirty minutes)), then it rids
itself of the ants with shakes .

 talk about you're personal high

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


What are eyes?
Only gateways to the soul they always say.

They say everything flashes before your eyes when you die, you experience life once again before your final breath.
Well what I realize is, this could be interesting , I suppose it would be some sort of hallucinogenic-opiate effect to experience that.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Names and such, simple things

The hardest part about picking names is finding the right amount of weird in it without people having an aneurysm of some sort because "how does say and what even is this?"

However Bitter pinions is coming along nicely, currently playing around with Andrzej.
I've decide that they won't have surnames, Surnames give them too much of a human feeling, Not something I want them to have, however giving them the ability to experience emotions will certainly show who they are and how they shall be portrayed.

I'm in the process of working on his booklet.
so wish me luck for Andrzej.

((expect random- mash up of posts , there will never be order.))