Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ant dance, art of myrmecomany

They can dance if they want to.
Tilt their neb up to the sky, 'Cause if  they dont look and  when they dont look
then they'll get ants in their eye
Well they can tumble with friends
Ants bite, Get you high, in a place were you won't find.

 Well from what I've read, Our feathered friends get high through,  Ant bites ((which is basically a dance they do for thirty minutes aka myrmecomany)).:

The birds would sit on an ants nest, wings open and stretched forward.
Tail curbed inward towards its front as its being invaded by angry ants.
It even picks them up and pushed it into its plumage, sometimes squishing
them into their body. Once covered by the ants , it dances with its head raised,
 feathers extended and saliva coating its bill ((lasting thirty minutes)), then it rids
itself of the ants with shakes .

 talk about you're personal high

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